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Rev. Knolls at his computer Cypress UMC |
1 one who has personal knowledge of something
2 a : something serving as evidence or proof, sign b : public affirmation by word or example of usually religious faith or conviction <the heroic witness to divine life — Pilot>
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." –Acts 1::8
Did you know the average church-goer will, over the course of their life, hear 4,000 sermons, sing 20,000 songs, participate in 8,000 public prayers and lead zero sinners to faith in Jesus Christ? This is a sobering and sad statistic. How close are you to average? If you have never been a part of bringing another soul to Jesus, then you’ve missed one of the most precious experiences of life. Sharing Jesus with another person and seeing the difference He makes in their life is one of the most wonderful experiences you can have. “And like Paul, all Christ-followers who ‘get’ what it means to be used by the Holy Spirit are thrilled with any opportunity to help move a person even an eight of a millimeter closer to God.” (Bill Hybels)
Sadly, I’m sorry to say many people miss out on it. According to a recent study, on average within three years of a person becoming a Christian, they will no longer have close friendships with people who aren’t Christians. This happens because of a multiple of factors, but the end result is that Christians are loosing evangelistic contact with other people.
Unfortunately, too many believers have lost that burning sensation to share the message of hope. Why are we not excited about sharing the story of Jesus? Are we too concerned about being politically correct? According to a nationwide survey conducted by the Barna Research Group, only 53% of born again American Christians feel a sense of responsibility to tell others about their faith. In other words, nearly half of American Christians don’t share the Good News!
The institute of American Church Growth polled 4,000 people and asked them how they were influenced to attend the church where they eventually became members:
- 2 - 3% just walked in
- 2 - 3% came through the churches programs
- 5 - 6% were attracted by the preacher
- 1 - 2% came out of a special need
- 1 - 2% were reached through visitation programs
- 4 - 5% came through a Sunday school class
- ½ - 1% came through a public evangelistic crusade/campaign
- 75 - 90% were converted through the influence of friends and relatives
-Rev. Harold Knolls, Associate Pastor at Cypress United Methodist Church
Suggested reading:
Bill Hybels Just Walk Across the Room, Simple Steps Pointing People to Faith
A friend of mine once told me that "the church is the largest mission field". The "least, the last, and the lost" might be sitting right next to us in our churches. Praciticng the presence of the Holy gives us strength and joy. Maybe if we did that more people would be open to our "witness".